Out of the shadows
Grace Currie takes up space, her latest exhibition,
"Out of the shadows' is bold and challenging and explorative.
"Magic" artist Grace Currie and her team funded by Arts Council England (ACE) devised and hosted focus groups for social work students. As well as the engagement programme, the funding was utilised to support Grace, to develop, create and exhibit content inspired by her lived experiences, her evolving world view, her challenges and her triumphs.
Grace has returned to Chester for this exhibition. The city is where Grace achieved a 1st class degree in Fine Art at the University of Chester.
The project explores the value of arts-based processes to address an acknowledged training gap in social work education from the perspective of living with Acquired Brain Injury (ABI).
During this process Grace has continued to develop her practice as a painter, in addition to exploring using various traditional and non traditional art materials to create many layered, textured, new artworks.
Grace is keen for the exhibition space to be as accessible and welcoming, as possible.